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Saturday, May 9, 2009

7 Ways To Make Money Online For Free

by: Jinger Jarrett

There's no super secret formula to making money on the internet. If you really want to make money online, then what you have to do is choose a particular technique and then stick to it. Although some techniques border on marketing techniques, they are also business models. Follow the rules for each of these business models, and you may begin earning an income in as little as a few hours.

1. Affiliate Marketing

This business style has a lot of advantages. You don't need to do any customer service, create your own products, or even build a website if you don't want to. With a little creativity, you may market these programs just about any way that you want, and you may even make money giving away stuff for free.

2. Blogging

Blogging is both an internet marketing technique and a business model. There are bloggers online who make six figure incomes doing it, so it's very lucrative.

What's key here is to choose a topic that you are passionate about and write about it. You may sell your own products, affiliate products, advertising, or a whole host of things on your blog. Just make sure they are related.

3. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is just one of many of the services you may perform online to make money. Services are very lucrative if you have a specific type of expertise and you are good at marketing yourself.

What's important about marketing services is that you enjoy what you do, and you are willing to do it for money. More importantly, getting out there and marketing is the difference between those who earn good incomes from services and those who don't.

4. Bum Marketing

Bum marketing is a specific way of marketing affiliate programs. What you do is select several products that you are interested in. Then you write articles to promote each of the products. You include your affiliate link in the resource box of your article.

Keep in mind here that certain article directories won't allow you to include a link to an affiliate program in the resource box. So, you will either need to buy a domain or create a simple website to send your traffic to. The best part is, the more articles you write, the more money you make.

5. Squidoo

Squidoo is a site started by entrepreneur Seth Godin. What this site allows you to do is to build simple one page sites on a specific topic or product. You may build as many of these little sites, or lenses, as you like.

Lenses may be used to market both your own products or affiliate products. The more lenses you build, the more money you make.

6. Product Creation

Product creation is only limited by your imagination. You may write short PDF reports that solve the specific problems for your customers. Then there are audios, books, CDs, or tons of other physical products you may make like tshirts on Cafepress.

If you have a hobby, you may want to sell what you know. Look at your skills and knowledge to help you get ideas for creating products.

7. Pay Per Click

Ultimately, pay per click is not free. Eventually, if you pursue this as a long time money making venture, you will have to spend some money. However, when you are first getting started, find pay per click sites that offer free traffic so you can try it out first.

Start small. Promote affiliate programs so you don't need a website. As your business grows, develop more campaigns and invest more money.

There are about as many ways to make money online as there are people. Keep it simple. Choose marketing techniques and products that interest you and then build a business around it. You will succeed.

Everything You Want To Know About Royalty Free Music

by: Brian Beshears

What is Royalty Free Music?

Also known as Buyout Music, or Lifetime Synchronization Music, Royalty Free Music in its most simple definition means music that is intended to be used as background enhancement in virtually any type of audio/visual production, and that has a single ( one time ) synchronization license fee. This one-time fee grants the licensor ( user ) the ability to re-synchronize the music in other productions without paying additional synchronization license fees.

Some Important History On The Term “Royalty Free Music”

The term Royalty Free Music migrated somewhat erroneously from our sister industry - Stock Photography. The two dominate licensing terms used in the Stock Photography world are “Rights Managed” and “Royalty Free”. These are sometimes seen as RM and RF.

Rights Managed simply means that you purchase a license to use a photo for one single application. If you wish to use it again in a different application, you must pay again. Royalty Free, however, means that you pay “One Time” and can use the photo over and over in as many different applications as you wish. Understand that the Stock Photography industry does not have the exact legal guidelines of Publisher, Composer, and Performing Rights Societies, namely the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) and Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), that the music production industry does.

This is the key to understanding the confusion. The term “royalty” doesn’t mean exactly the same thing in the Stock Photography world as it does in the Stock Music or Production Music Library world. The term “Royalty Free” probably should have never been adopted by the Production Music Library industry. A more accurate and less confusing term is “Lifetime Synchronization” license. This is because legally, there are other “royalty” related issues such as Performance Royalties. Many times music library consumers think that Royalty Free means no Performance Royalties are to be paid, or that the music is already cleared for Performance. This is not true. Anytime you see music with credits that list a composer(s) and/or publisher(s) affiliation with a Performing Rights Society such as ASCAP, BMI or SESAC, then you know the music rights absolutely must be cleared prior to performance.

Music Clearance, Performing Rights Societies and Cue Sheets

A “Performance” is most commonly when a copyright ( song ) is aired in a broadcast such as a Radio/TV/Cable program, radio station playlists, Satellite radio such as XM or Sirius, etc.. Another common “Performance” is a concert hall where people are gathered to hear music.

Broadcasters pay annual fees to ASCAP, BMI and SESAC to clear the performances of music on their broadcasts. For this reason, it is almost never the responsibility of an audio/video producer, or almost all Music Library users, to be responsible to pay for music clearance or a performance royalty: it is the responsibility of the broadcaster. When a producer creates a production program that is to be aired with a broadcaster, they simply just need to fill out a quick form called a Cue Sheet. Cue sheets simply contain information about the songs used in a single production so that a broadcaster may accurately report to the performing rights societies what is being used. The performing rights societies then forward the monies collected by the broadcasters to the applicable composers and publishers.

Using Royalty Free Music in mass duplicated productions or “products for sale”

Many producers access Music Libraries for content that is used in productions that are to be mass duplicated. Some of these are not for sale such as Promotional DVD’s or electronically delivered intra-company sales training, etc. Other examples that are for sale include Instructional videos and even a Film/TV program sold on DVD. Most music libraries allow for a few thousand duplications of productions containing their music with no extra fee. They are all a little different, so you have to check with them. This extra fee is legally considered a “mechanical license” but is often referred to as a mass duplication license. Fees are sometimes dependent upon how many duplications are to be manufactured. Many libraries now offer a simplified license that allows for an unlimited number of duplications to be made.

This article was significantly condensed. To view the full version that goes into much more detail, please visit

Free Online Forex Trading Courses

by: Ricky Lim

Over recent years online Forex trading has now become big business and certainly in the financial sector this is the biggest market of all in the world. The reason why this market has grown compared to the many other financial markets is because of the rise in the number of traders working online rather than using the more traditional method of trading by using the phone. Because of this increase there are a number of sites which are now offering to people the chance of learning about this through taking free online Forex trading courses.

However as with a lot of things in life today sometimes the best things in life are not for free and certainly the same could be said for many of these courses. When you are considering taking an online forex trading course, there are a number of things that you will need to take into consideration.

1. Who is offering this course?
2. Just why is it they are offering to provide you with a book to learn about Forex trading for free?
3. Are they actually offering this course because they are promoting a particular trading site and then want you to enroll on it?
4. Once you begin to read the book do you find that they are being extremely pushy when it comes to actually getting you to use a particular website to invest your money in?

The answers that you provide to the above questions will help to show you just how honest the information being provided to you for free is.

One way of discovering if the free online forex trading course that you are looking at is of the highest standard is by looking at how much of the information contained within it is replicated elsewhere. You will soon learn that a lot of the information you find in some of the free online forex trading course books can easily be found when you search the net.

So rather than using these books or courses to teach you how to trade on the Forex market instead use the advice and articles about the subject that are being offered on other sites. Plus why not join one of the many forums that have been set up and discuss your issues with some of the people here. They are people who have been trading on the Forex market for some time and will often offer you the best advice when it comes to finding a suitable course for learning about Forex trading.

Certainly the better free online Forex trading courses are those that do not limit themselves to telling you about how one company trades. Rather it should be providing you with views of all the sites that are available and which are run by established companies. Any such courses should be prepared to provide you with everything that you need to know about the world of Forex trading and not restrict you to using the services of just one or the abilities of one company.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Interested In Free Targeted Traffic

By Jason Paris

No matter what opportunity or product you promote via the internet you do not have a business unless you have customers. One way to increase sales is to increase your customer base, this means more visitor traffic. If you are not interested in free web traffic, congratulations, you must have deep pockets or all ready have more than you can handle. For those who are interested in free web traffic, read on.

Just getting large numbers of visitors to websites is not enough. These visits have to turn into sales. A chance or uninterested visitor is little better than no visitor. Every site needs targeted visitors. Your site needs people who have seen your message and have had their interest peeked. With a targeted market approximately 3 visitors for every 100 will make purchases. Without targeted visitors this conversion rate drops significantly.

Throughout this article you will encounter numerous ways to increase your web traffic. This traffic will be well targeted free leads, all through online marketing methods.

Do you like to be sold, or pushed into a sale? Like most the answer is a definitive NO. One of my mentors has instilled in me the importance of building relationships as apposed to selling someone. Once the person gets to know, like, and trust you they will be more willing to join you in your opportunity or buy product from you. Remember, know, like, trust, buy!

Free Traffic and Message Boards

Relating this principle to free internet marketing, I suggest you visit message boards. These boards are so effective that I still receive requests and referrals from posts made over a year ago. Visit various boards post messages, meet people, ask questions, share your wisdom, and words of encouragement.

Suggested tips to keep in mind when posting to message boards. Remember you are there to build relationships, you want people to know, like and trust you.
Do not spam: - do not post the same thing over and over
- post something meaningful and relevant to the conversation
- do not advertise unless otherwise specified
- do not participate in negative postings about others (criticize or flame)

To make the most of message boards and insure highly targeted traffic to your website:
- select boards that pertain to your product or opportunity
- get your name out and popularity up, post a response to a question or simply post a question yourself
- include a signature file with your name and URL, no email. This can be placed in the profile page. It is a good idea to set-up a second email because, you will get spam
- spend one or two evenings a week posting on several different message boards
- be genuine, helpful, and try to learn a few things

Free Traffic and Traffic Generation Sites

Traffic generation sites can be good and bad. Most are not worth your time, however, there are a few good ones, so choose with care. I recommend Traffic Swarm. This site is better than most because people select a site from a list in topics they have selected to view ads from. An ad is then chosen based on a tag line and a short description you have written. If the visitor wants credit for their selection you have their attention for a minimum of 20 seconds. After that they may click another site without penalty. Again this is that target traffic so necessary to success.

To read about Traffic Swarm and sign up for your free stream of free targeted traffic, click here.

Free Traffic and Viral Marketing

Let others help with your marketing efforts. You can have strangers pass your site to others and span the globe with viral marketing. Create viral marketing with a free e-book or inviting email, it is powerful and free. To start a viral marketing campaign that grows exponentially and without effort send a witty or clever joke, picture, or poem to people in your address book. If enjoyed the recipient will pass it on to those in their list and so on. You may have received the Bill Gates free offer in your own box. This email has been circulated around the world for over three years and seen by countless. Be sure to include your url with a heading, either near the bottom or in a signature file. Do this once a month and watch your web traffic grow.

Pass on a free e-book with you contact details inside. Encourage others to add it to their websites and offer your branded e-book to everyone. As part of your introduction include your website and a message stating that the e-book is free and is to be passed along, so long as nothing is changed or altered. This includes your bio, contact information and links to your site. Cannot write? No problem. There are thousands of books available for you to co-brand and start your viral trail.

Free Traffic and Joint Ventures

Setting up joint ventures may be the most powerful free method available to increase targeted traffic. Joint ventures are simply colorations or partnerships between two or more people or businesses. It is not essential that the partnerships even be in related businesses, though helpful. Just about any combination will work. Obviously competing businesses are not a wise or practical option for a joint venture. That still leaves plenty of other partners. There is no limit to what can be done with this marketing technique. The venture can be as simple as trading client databases, or it can be an elaborate cross promotions with contests and giveaway. A joint venture is only limited by the creativity of the parties involved. If you have the right partner this will do wonders for your credibility and, the know, like, trust, buy formula for success.

Free Traffic and Meta Tags

Meta tags are very important. I am not an expert on tags so I highly suggest you research Meta tags optimization techniques. To have a Google spider find you and have you listed will do wonders for your traffic. Never pay to have your site listed, there are too many ways to have it listed. Too often these pay sites will not do what is promised or what you could do with a little effort.

Free Traffic and Offline Marketing Techniques

To maximize your online presence you have to go offline and bring foot traffic to the web as targeted web traffic. Here are a few low cost offline marketing techniques that will give you added visibility and translate to a more powerful web presence. Turn your automobile into a mini billboard. Place bumper stickers and magnet signs on your vehicle. Leave a business card wherever possible. One suggestion is to leave it with your tip at a restaurant. Hang flyers on high traffic bulletin boards, be sure to leave a pull tab. Change your body into a walking billboard for your opportunity and products instead of someone else's. How often do you promote Nike, Polo, Guess, or a professional sports team? Start promoting yourself and get your clothes embroidered. It does not have to be anything fancy, a good descriptive url will work.

Free Traffic and Your URL

One last tip. As I mentioned before, I get traffic from posts that are over a year old. Once something is on the internet it is there for good. The url you promote should be permanent. This is important because anything could happen. What if you are no longer with the same company? All previous links to that business are now useless. If you have one url and it either links or redirects to you business opportunity and products you simply have to change the link or redirect page. You will always get a hit when someone clicks on your link.

I hope you enjoyed the article and wish you all the best with you business venture. I am sure you are well on you way to becoming a successful internet marketing professional.

Jason Paris is an internet entrepreneur with the Robert G Allen Mentors to Wealth USANA Team. Jason specializes in an oline marketing model to build a USANA home business. He is also a Mastermind group participant with mentoring for free. To receive free mentoring and become involved with our free mastermind group visit:
To find more about The Robert G Allen Mentors to Wealth Team visit:
To read other articles about Building a successful Home Business MLM or network marketing visit:

Visit Site: free targeted traffic web traffic articles tips free internet traffic

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Smoking - Don't Do It!

By Jana Mitcham

"Smoking has a detrimental effect on nutrition. Smokers break down Vitamin C about twice as fast as nonsmokers. This can deprive the body of adequate amounts of . . . versatile antioxidants . . . Other antioxidants are depleted as well. Cigarette smoke contains a compound . . . that oxidizes (destroys) the antioxidant vitamins . . . damage to DNA. The accelerated antioxidant damage, in combination with the DNA damage, SPEEDS THE AGING PROCESS". This is according to James F.Balch, M.D.

We read and hear about how bad smoking is for us on a daily basis--yet people continue to smoke--why? Because they are addicted and it is difficult to quit. Some say that it is harder to quit smoking than to quit heroin addiction. Why does this happen? It is reported that one reason is that the tolerance to nicotine develops very rapidly. This means that to experience the sense of pleasure and relaxation (this is real and is attributed to some of the same hormonal and chemical changes that are the most damaging to the body) that made the smoker enjoy smoking, he/she must smoke more and more to get the same satisfaction. Thus, a 2 a day cigarette habit increases to 1 then 2 or more packs a day.

What does this mean to those who smoke, live with smokers or know smokers? It doesn't mean to criticize them--it does mean that we need to provide education and offer PROTECTION FOR THE SMOKER AND THOSE WHO ARE EXPOSED TO THEIR SMOKE.

There is still a lot of debate about the damages of second hand smoke however there is good research to indicate that the children who are exposed to tobacco smoke on a regular basis are at increased risk for respiratory diseases, cancer and leukemia.


There are thousands of potentially dangerous compounds in tobacco. Let's just talk about the one we know the most about: NICOTINE: It raises blood pressure, raises the metabolic rate and drives nutrients out of the body, causes the tissues of your skin to be dull and gray looking (the tissues are starving for oxygen), deprives the cells and blood of oxygen, causes muscles to tense, affects your body temperature, causes hormonal changes, the list could go on.


Cigarettes are a factor in 17% of deaths in the US annually

Heart Disease is more prevalent in smokers than nonsmokers

1/3 of cancer deaths are related to smoking

85% of those with chronic obstruction pulmonary disease are smokers

85% of lung cancer cases are related to smoking

AND IF THAT ISN'T ENOUGH smoking is also linked to angina, blocked arteries, cataracts, bronchitis, asthma, colon cancer, impotence, urinary problems, and many other respiratory conditions because it paralyzes the cilia which are supposed to clear the mucous from your body. AND WOMEN it can lead to earlier menopause.

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I QUIT? The healing process begins immediately--hopefully you have escaped some of the more damaging conditions--Within 24 hours blood pressure and pulse rate begin to normalize blood oxygen begins to improve, your sense of taste and smell begin to normalize, it is easier to breathe and within one week your risk for a heart attack decreases.

HOW DO I PROTECT MYSELF AND OTHERS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE? You need to supply the body with optimum nutrition on a daily basis to try and keep up with the nutrition that is being driven from your body. The most comprehensive regimen:Limu Plus (1 oz 2x) VitaOne or VitChe (both as directed) as a foundation, Coral Calcium (as dir), Super ViGest (it is essential that you breakdown the nutrients that you so desperately need), Revitalgen (2 between breakfast and lunch and 2 between lunch and dinner for 60 days then 2 a day as dir) and Vita Enhanced Water (smoking dehydrates your system and creates acid conditions, so, you need lots of water and this water hydrates better and counteracts the acids). These six are the minimum protection for those exposed to the smoke. The smoker, the smoker who has quit (follow the extra guidelines for at least 90 days) and the smoker who is trying to quit needs extra help: Probiotic (as directed) Garlic (1 3x a day). Omega III (1 3x), C-Crystals (1/2 tsp 3x), CoQ10 (1 mg per 1 lb of body weight), CellRich (2 3x a day for 10 days then 1 or 2 a day), and to help the liver with its cleansing job, VitaMarin (1 2x a day).

SPECIAL TIP: IF YOU ARE TRYING TO QUIT, REMEMBER, THE STRONG URGE FOR THE CIGARETTE LASTS 3-5 MINUTES so try to occupy yourself for that time: run, do push ups, talk to someone, something.

ALSO, they say that the urge for "mouth feel" is strong--DO NOT suck on candy. The sugars will increase your craving. INSTEAD eat 1/2 of an Appetizer Diet Cookie or suck on a Chewable Vitamin C . . . it tastes like a tart candy but either one of them will satisfy your nutritional craving instead of creating one.

I apologize that this is so long but if it helps save one life--ISN'T IT WORTH IT?

Love You All

Jana Mitcham

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Dont Let The Wind Blow Your Game Away

By Jeff O'Brien

Sure its nice to head out to the golf course on a beautifully tranquil day where its easy figure your yardages and be confident in your club selection. Unfortunately, however, Mother Nature isnt always so accommodating and youll find yourself having to deal with a bit of wind.

When youre up against a windy day on the golf course, if you let it affect your attitude, youre going to be in for a long day. Many players do and are. You, however, should not let this happen. First of all it does your golf game no good, and secondly, if your playing partners bowing to the wind, then all the better for you to collect on the nassau.

The basic golf shot that enters the conversation when talking about playing in the wind is the knockdown shot.

There are a couple of basic keys to the knockdown shot.

The first is that the hands have to remain ahead of the clubhead through the swing. So at your address, move the ball slightly further back in your stance. The knockdown golf shot is not a full swing type of shot. It is a control shot. In fact, with knockdown shots youll want your finish position to be lower and not fully completed.

The second key is based upon the first.

Since the knockdown shot is not a full swing youll want to take and extra club or two in order to (a) take the loft off of what would be your normal shot and (b) get the distance you want with a lower ball flight and easier non-full swing.

The tailwind Playing a hole with a good tailwind is a favorite scenario for many. Keep in mind however, when it comes to playing in the wind control is the key word.

A tailwind certainly adds distance and carry to your golf shots, and will help keep your shots straighter, but remember it also adds roll. And if were talking about an approach shot into the green, the tailwind is going to take the backspin off of your shot and subsequently your ball wont check nearly as tidy when it hits the green. So, factor in not only the distance, but roll as well.

The headwind now youve made 180 and youre heading back into the same wind that was just at your back. Now is when the knockdown becomes your friend and ally. Remember, play the ball back in your stance (keeping your hands ahead of the clubhead), take more club, and swing easy and under control.

The crosswind - the crosswind or the quartering wind is the most difficult to deal with. This type of wind will magnify the spin and shape of your shot. If your flight is shaping the same direction, think distance and roll but, if you're going to shape your shot back into the crosswind add extra yardage to your calculation.

Given these two mirroring results, you can see that a crosswind can produce greatly varying distance. Because of this great variance, youll want a strategy that takes advantage of the wind.

If your distance is open ended youll probably want to shape your golf shot to work with the wind and get the most distance you can. If, however, youre hitting your approach to the green, youll want to shape your shot back into the crosswind so your ball will land softer on the putting surface.

In summary, the key to wind play is control.

Remember, a solidly struck golf ball will be less affected by any wind as opposed to one that takes flight with a side spin.

Be confident when playing in the wind, ratchet your swing back a couple of notches and think about a nice smooth rhythm with solid contact.

The Keys To Successful Dating For Men

By Nathalie Fiset,M.D.

Dating is probably one of the most exciting yet daunting adventures any single individual might ever encounter. Traditional datingmeeting up, going out and eating outwith somebody you are interested with can be a challenge as well as a learning experience for everyone.

More than the women, men feel more pressured when going out on a date because they are expected to do almost everything to make the date a success. Since they are the ones who will carry out most of the so-called dating tasks here are some tips that can help men go through with the exciting process of dating the girl they are interested with.


Dating can be a daunting task especially for those men who havent dated for a long time, for those who havent been successful with women, and even for those guys who are so used to dating without knowing the basic rules in playing the game.

Remember, people need conform the rules whether they like it or not. In the case of dating, there are simple rules that need to be followed to ensure success for both parties.

1. Ensure cleanliness by keeping on eye on your hygiene and style. The worst thing any man can do is to turn up on a date smelling, unshaven, and looking dirty so the first thing you should do is to take a bath, brush your teeth, and shave those stubborn stubbles. Men who do not know how to maintain hygiene are no-nos for the more hygienic sex. So it pays to spray on some decent cologne and gargle before you meet up with your date.

2. Dress up to look your best. Looking your best when you go out on a date gives the idea that you have prepared for the special occasion even if its only a first date. If you dont have enough dough to buy new shoes or clothes, at least try to wear those decent ones to impress your date.

3. Be on time. The first impression of women is usually based on how much men value their time. If you ask a woman on a date, make sure that you can turn up on time because not doing so will give her the impression that you dont value your word. If you dont want your date to think you are unreliable, try be early or at least on time when going out on a date.

4. Before asking someone out, make sure you have a job to flaunt. Women always find security in men you are secured themselves. Although financial stability is too early to discuss, your current job will give her an idea if you can manage dating her for a long time. Men who have jobs give women the impression that they are ambitious and they have the will to go on top.

5. Do all the necessary preparations. Preparing for things you can say during the date will ensure the easy flow of conversation all throughout. Getting your knowledge levels up and sharing it with your date will definitely make her date interested. The safest topic to discuss includes current events so make sure you watch the news or read quality broadsheets.

6. Know when to stop talking and start listening. Opening up topics for a conversation will pave the way for an interesting intellectual stimulation but you must know when the ice has been broken. After you have given your thoughts on a certain topic, ask her what she thinks and listen to her intently.

7. Issues on bills. The general rule in dating is that whoever asks for that date should pay for it. Since you are the one who asked for and you are the man, then, by all means, you should pay the bill. But if the idea of your paying for the entire bill does not sit well to the woman youre dating and she insists paying for her own, make a compromise. Suggest that she pays the half and youll pay for the rest.

8. Being a gentleman pays. Simple things that show your gentleness like holding the door open for her, letting her walk through the door first, and pulling out a chair for her will definitely make an impact on her. Showering her compliments throughout the day will also make her think that you appreciate her efforts of looking good for the date.

9. Watch out for body language. After the date, watch out for her body language before attempting to kiss her goodnight or before trying to seduce her to jump into your bed. Sex on first date is not a good thing unless she wants to. Lastly, dont tell her that youll call her if you dont have plans of doing so.

10. If you are serious in the woman youre dating, start learning how to live a healthy life. Smoking and drinking only show irresponsibility and carelessness because you are not taking care of your health.

The Perfect Gift From Him to Her

By Frederick King Parker

The perfect gift from him to her

It's always a problem finding a really special gift for your girlfriend ,partner or wife. Although you know her know her pretty well, it still seems that finding that special present with that extra "wow!" factor is just as elusive as ever.

She loves scents and finds perfumes fascinating, but a trip to the department store for me was a terrifying thought. I've known about personal perfumes, it seems that all the celebrities have them these days, but the cost of the perfumer consultation and those daunting perfume counters just put me off. Trawling through the perfume sites and there are hundreds of them, there is one that allows you to design your own fragrance just by filling in my girl's personality and life style details. The site creates a fragrance easily and inexpensively and it's fun to do too. It is like so many things a computer program but it really is very easy to use and when you are done a description of the fragrance you have just designed is presented on the screen! There are plenty of sizes to choose from and the company will put her name on the bottle of her personal scent. Just as if that wasn't enough they have a special section on their website so that her fragrance comes with the bottle la!

belled not just with her name, but her photo too! You can use a photo from your cell phone, a digital camera or a web cam is fine too. All the instructions are on the website and perfume orders are despatched from the UK in two working days to be delivered in the USA in just a week. I haven't given it to her yet. I'm waiting for the right moment but I know she will be ecstatic with her present and I can't wait to be well rewarded! Oh yes the name of the site, sorry I can t remember just Google in create fragrance and I am sure it will be there. Last time I looked I do remember it was number one!

Your Quick Guide to Housekeeping Cleaning

By Vincent Platania

Every home deserves quality house cleaning. But before you start cleaning your house, identify certain tasks in each room. Make a checklist of your cleaning priorities and have a home organizing plan.

Follow a routine when you clean. Start at the back and work your way to the front of the house. Go from top to bottom in each room. Below are some cleaning tips to help you get the most of your time and effort.

Kitchen Cleaning

Start with the top of the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets.

Use stainless steel cleaner for your sink. Rub it with a dry cloth to make it shine.

Wipe kitchen counters.

Do not forget to clean behind and underneath the refrigerator and oven.

Use a good oven cleaner to remove grease and overflows from your oven.

At least once a month, remove everything from your refrigerator and freezer and clean them from inside.

Clean your microwave oven with water, mild detergent and a sponge. Wipe clean and dry.

Bathroom Cleaning

First, start with the bathtub and shower and make sure they are mold free.

Second, clean the toilet, then the sink and areas around them.

Finish with mopping the bathroom floor.

Choose ammonia based multi-purpose cleaner to efficiently remove dirt and grease, while minimizing smearing or streaking. This kind of product works on multiple surfaces such as tile walls, ceramic fixtures, mirrors, and shower head, leaving them clean and shiny.

Dusting and Vacuuming

Dust is composed human skin cells, dirt and fabric fibers. Dust collects on every surface, causing scratching and damage to household surfaces.

You need to dust weekly. First choose the right dusting tool for your job. Vacuum cleaner is simple to use and remove dust without spreading it around into the air.

To clean the dust in small corners, and irregular spaces, get a good feather duster to avoid scratching the surfaces, especially delicate figurines. It is a great option for quick dusting places like shelves without moving everything.

Window Cleaning

You need to clean windows once a month. There are many different glass cleaning products on the market to choose from. Use an effective professional-type cleaner to get rid of dirt, grease and grime. It is ideal to use on any glass surfaces and leaves a clean, fresh fragrance.

Remove any excess dirt before washing your windows.

Clean in a pattern. If you are cleaning the outside and inside, work side to side on the inside and top to bottom on the outside. This will help you see if any side has any streaks left.

Mopping Floors

Use two mopping buckets. One filled with cleaning solution and the other with clear water to rinse your mop. This will help you keep the cleaning solution clear for longer time, because all the dirt will be washed in the water bucket.

After you finish cleaning:

Remove the sheets from the beds and use fresh ones.

Freshen up your home by using natural air refreshers or scented candles.



Use Provillus To Re-Grow Hairs Naturally

By Alan Anderson

Though exception could be there but everybody wants hair on his head. Long hair is the symbol of beauty for ladies, for men significance of hair is same. Only healthy hair can be combed in attractive hair styles. Unfortunately, millions across the world are loosing this opportunity because of hair fall diseases. There are many factors which act behind hair fall. These factors could be hormonal disorder, deficiency of mineral, climatic changes, and salinity of water. Action of soap, shampoo, hair oil or any other hair care product on the scalp also can be a cause of hair fall.

Hormonal disorder and mineral deficiency is the prime cause of baldness. In male, a hormone named as testosterone is secreted in early teen to bring masculine characteristics. This hormone is synthesized into dihydrotestostrone (DHT) to start growth of beard and moustaches. DHT severely affects the scalp and contracts hair follicles which become the prime cause of falling of hair in male. This generally happens in late 20s or early 30s however there is no age limit for this even people in late teens can also suffer from this disease. The baldness caused by DHT in male is called male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia.

Male pattern baldness follows a definite pattern of hair fall but female pattern baldness does not obey any such rule. Female pattern baldness can occur after delivery of child or even after menopause. Hormonal disorder and mineral deficiency are also the prime causes of baldness in female. Baldness is much more embarrassing for female in comparison to male because bald ladies are generally snubbed by men.

Most of the hair loss drugs act either on male pattern baldness or on female pattern baldness, but there is a drug which acts on both its name is Provillus. Provillus nourishes hair follicles of the scalp with its natural herbs and minerals. It dissolves dead cells of scalp, residues of shop shampoo, scalp oil which generally entrap in hair follicles. This action opens hair follicles as minerals and vitamins of Provillus stimulate the process of hair re-growth in re-opening hair follicles. Provillus contains all mineral and vitamin which are essential for the growth of hair like vitamin B6, Biotin, Magnesium. Its natural herbs extract like Saw Palmetto, Nettle root, Gotu Kola, and Curcurbita Maxima inhibits the working of DHT and stops Male pattern baldness. Eleuthero, Uva-Ursi, Muria Puama supplies fresh source of energy to hair so that they become stronger and thicker.

Being a drug with herbal ingredient Provillus is completely safe for the hair health. It produces no side effects. The success rate of this drug is high, it is around 90%. The drug can be easily purchased through online order. Companies also sell trial pack of Provillus. Trial pack of Provillus is a cheaper way to check the efficiency of Provillus.

Secrets Of Small Business Success

By Christian Kameir

The real secret to small business success has nothing to do with technology tools, the internet or anything like that. In fact, it isnt even a real secret. It has been around since man started to communicate. Its WORDS!

Words carry enormous power. They can make you laugh hysterically, or destroy a relationship or friendship. Words have more power in them than any other tool at your disposal.

Effective use of words, especially in business, means skyrocketing sales, satisfied clients, happy employees, and a profitable and secure future. Yet, less than 1% of small entrepreneur businesses use words with full power.

The power of words can be learned and used effectively by anyone, and when this power is harnessed theres nothing on this earth that can stop you. This art of using words is what is called copy writing. It makes or breaks your sales and advertising material.

One of the ways an amateur copywriter who is writing for his own product or business can beat the experienced pro is by infusing the sales letter or ad with his own, honest, intense enthusiasm. When doing selling in print, enthusiasm is just as important as in face-to-face selling.

This is why you cant just sit down and write an ad on command, like you can sit down and do bookkeeping. You have to work up some enthusiasm for the job and the proposition youre putting across.

If Im going to write an ad or some other sales material the first thing in the morning, as I often do, I try to set my subconscious mind working on that job before I go to bed the night before. Sometimes I wake up with the big idea that I need, other times I at least wake up with ideas and a readiness to write them and pick and choose.

Dont force yourself to grind out direct-response copy when you really dont feel like it because the result will be flat and mechanical. It may be technically correct with a headline, subheads, bullet points, an offer, etc., but it will lack spirit and enthusiasm.

The person who is genuinely enthusiastic about what he/she is selling definitely has an advantage. Thats why the freelance pro copywriter should always download as much of the pitch from the products most enthusiastic salesperson as possible. Then transfer it to paper and shape and mold it to perfection.

Over the years, the work Ive done for clients and ad agencies has proven that the most successful work was for clients that were passionate and enthusiastic about what they sell. So before you tackle that next ad for your business, make sure youre as enthusiastic about it as you want your clients to be.

A Day In A Video Game Virtual World

By Taisha Grant

An 11th grader comes home from school and throws his or her backpack onto the floor and immediately jumps into their favorite chair and prepare themselves to transform themselves. A video game collector comes home from a long day of work as he places his brief case on to the floor and grabs a bite to eat before plopping down into his favorite chair to begin a day within a video game wonderland. The 11th grader is no longer a student he or she is what ever character they want to be in a game. The same goes for the business man hes no longer a suit but a character with special powers to conquer their own world. Todays game technology allows players to role play and become what ever character they desire.

Gone are the days when players of video games had to stay seated or in one spot in order to play a video game. The Nintendo Wii is the most recent video game available to game-aholics. The new Wii game uses a wireless remote rather than the wired game controller.

Unlike the two players per game session, four players can play Wii during a game sequence. This remote makes games much easier to play, even for first-time and inexperienced gamers.

The Game Survey Says!

When a new game is introduced or is about to be launched into the market, companies choose independent testers who actually play these new games and rate them accordingly. Its sort of like test driving a vehicle before giving the public their opinion. Although they these companies have professional testers of these games, the true testers are the consumers or children of consumers who play these games day in and day out. Their intention is not to test a game but to have fun playing it and becoming a part of a virtual society unlike the one that they are living in. In the game society, the play can control the out come of their destiny.

Video games of the 21st century are programmed so that the players can envision themselves in the games. This is all made possible due to the wireless remote. So if there is a scene, within a video game, that has a man running and climbing into a helicopter, the player can become engaged and apart of the action or lifestyle of a game.

Older game controls were very basic but they did the job for players. However, todays video game controls are equipped with built-in speakers this gives it a surround sound effect. This controller is not limited to the surround sound feature there are other features as well.

Choosing An Online University Degree

By Kateri White

Today hundreds of universities and colleges offer online programs that range from improving your basic skills all the way to graduate study courses. Because of the large number of schools offering online programs, it can be difficult to know what to look for in a quality program.

There are two basic types of institutions offering online degrees: Colleges and universities with physical campuses and online-only institutions. Online-only institutions do offer single courses, but tend to focus on degree programs. Colleges and universities with physical campuses offer both complete degree programs and single courses, which are often taken by on-campus students as well as online-only students.

Prior to the rise of online universities, attaining a higher education degree was largely impossibility for those already in the work force. Getting a degree for that coveted promotion or simply completing your education in later years of life is a real option now. There are several universities offering various programs to this end. In fact, the plethora can be confusing and you need to research your options with utmost care.

What to look for


Obviously, one primary consideration for you is whether or not a school offers programs in an area of interest to you. Increasingly, program options are growing, to the advantage of Online Degree.


When choosing a school, be careful to check its expectations about technology. Be sure that their use of technology matches your needs and your capacity. Generally speaking, more technology does not make a better online learning experience. It may enhance the experience, and may even make the learning more entertaining. But the additional technology does not necessarily assure that you will learn more.


Accreditation is an important issue for online schools. It is the way that many of them differentiate themselves from their competitors. Accreditation is not a guarantee of excellent quality, good service, or an enjoyable online learning experience. It is only a guarantee that the school has been accredited.


Often, distance learners need flexibility. Flexibility in the online learning environment is a very important commodity. Because the experience is distributed, learners tend to have a wide variety of situationspersonal, professional, and academicthat impact their studies.

Once you have decided on the goals and programs, you need to research the university that best meets your requirements for time flexibility, accessibility, and ease of completing the course.

The choice of where, when and how is up to you. Best of all you do not have to travel, the costs are a fraction of attending a bricks and mortar school, and you can learn and study at your own pace and at a time that is convenient for you. Your kitchen table can be your classroom and nobody will object if you decide to have a sandwich and a glass of milk while you study.

So what are you waiting for? Find out which distance learning programs offer an online degree or skills training that you would like to receive. Then clear off your kitchen table and begin working to achieve your dream. Your future is just one click away.

Lose Weight Quickly

By Julie Hart

Every person that begins a diet and exercise plan does so with the intention to become healthier and lose weight. How to lose weight quickly is a common question, which is why some people enlist the help of a personal trainer to guide them through the diet and exercise maze. Of course, diet and exercise is the healthiest way to lose weight, but it does take some time.

As fat is replaced by muscle, calories are burned more efficiently and a leaner appearance is the result. Sometimes its easy to get discouraged with this approach, but progress cannot be measured solely on what the scale reads. Muscle weighs more than fat, and many times weight stays the same or only decreases at small increments. Though it may not seem like much, weight loss is occurring at a steady rate.

Diet and exercise is great but in most cases, the weight doesnt just melt off like some people expect it to, which is why people want to know how to lose weight quickly. Depending on how much weight someone wants to lose, there are lots and lots of ways how to lose weight quickly. Low carbohydrate diets such as Atkins and the South Beach Diet are a good way to lose weight quickly, a lot if needed. Dieters can usually lose from five to ten pounds relatively quickly, but dieters should still be aware of their nutritional intake and not restrict themselves too much. Low carbohydrate diets emphasize eating greater amounts of protein, while restricting consumption of carbohydrates and refined sugars. Once these foods are eliminated cravings will decrease, and the pounds will start to melt off as well.

For more ideas on how to lose weight quickly, dieters can visit the web to check out a multitude of sources with lots of good information on dieting, what plans works and which ones to stay away from. Both Atkins and the South Beach Diet can guide people who want to learn how to lose weight quickly, and keep it off. After losing weight it is easy to slip back into the clutches of bad habits. Now why would anyone want to do that after working so hard to get the weight off? In addition to learning how to lose weight quickly, dieters need to learn how to completely change their eating habits for good. Being healthy is much better than

Auto Repair: The Top Ten Mistakes Made By Your Mechanic

By Theodore Olson

Number one:

Not confirming the concern. Confirming a repair concern is a basic diagnostic principle frequently overlooked. To fix a problem, the first thing one must do is recognize it.

Number Two:

Insufficient Road Testing. The importance of a thorough road test (even for an oil change) is well documented in automotive training manuals. Yet, many technicians consider driving the vehicle into the shop good enough.

Number Three:

Misdiagnosing. For the above reasons and a multitude of others, your vehicle is misdiagnosed more often than not. Mechanics will spend hours chasing the wrong problem, wasting your time and money.

Number Four:

Throwing parts at a problem. To compensate for lack of skills, mechanics often just throw parts at the problem in the hope of getting lucky. Its common to hear mechanics say I replaced this, this, this, and that, and the problems still not fixed. This goes right back to mistake number one: confirm the problem with diagnostics, then proceed.

Number Five:

Not addressing primary concerns first. Technicians often spend an inordinate amount of time looking for easy sells that will fatten their paychecks. Theres nothing wrong with this provided theres no charge for the inspection, it doesnt conflict with your time, and the upsell suggestions are valid (theyre frequently not). However, this type of free inspection and the subsequent upselling too often overshadows the primary concern. Sowhats wrong with my car?

Number Six:

Overconfidence. Too often unqualified technicians get in over their heads. Rather than defer to a more experienced technician or facility, they often keep going and do more harm. Hows it goThe road to hell is paved with good intentions?

Number Seven:

Taking shortcuts. In the ongoing effort to beat the clock, technicians will create a host of problems: breaking parts, snapping bolts, short circuiting sensitive electronics. Refer to Auto Repair: How Can They Screw Up an Oil Change for a great discussion.

Number Eight:

Poor Repairs. Whether through incompetence or laziness, mechanics frequently dont do repairs correctly. Its often sloppy work. Forgotten bolts, parts not lined up correctly, or components not re-installed properly are common. It gets worse with computer repairs: incorrect software programming, coding, and resynchronization protocols are just a few.

Number Nine:

Not confirming repairs. After a repair is complete, its important to re-check to ensure that the problem is indeed fixed. Too often parts are thrown in and the car is pulled out only to pull in another victim.

Number Ten:

Making a mess. If the above nine mistakes werent bad enough, there are now greasy fingerprints on the hood and steering wheel, and two big greasy boot marks on the carpet.

How To Meet Someone At The Grocery Store

By Scot McKay

You know, it's dangerous for you to be here in the frozen food section. You could melt all this stuff. --Steve Martin in My Blue Heaven

Funny thing about todays topic. The concept is one of the oldest, most overwrought stereotypes in the dating world. Yet, how many people (other than Vinnie) do you know who actually have met someone at the grocery store? Have you?

Would you like to?

As promised, today were going to talk all about how to turn the local supermarket into your dating playgroundor at least potentially.

And its easier than you think.

No, this isnt necessarily about bumping carts with someone by accident. Rest assured there are much better strategies in store than that (pun intended). So, then, lets get on with it!

1) Inline Flirting

This is the simplest concept, yet completely overlooked by so many. Basically, if you want to meet someone, form your checkout plan with some strategery, will you? Simply get in line behind someone you want to meet, pick up the tabloid in front of you and make conversation about it. For some odd reason, this is like magic when performed by a guy. Women seem to be entranced by that sort of thing, and to have a guy actually start a conversation about it really is irresistible to a woman. And dont completely rule out flirting with the one who is behind the register, either. One of lifes joys for me is when a woman at a cash register asks me for my credit card or (God help her) my phone number. Whichever it is, its way too soon in the relationship for that or I dont know you well enough. Believe it or not, my fiance Emily still deals with this sort of banter out of me regularlyand still giggles when it happens.

2) Have You Tried This?

Step One: Position yourself considering the same shelf full of items as someone you want to meet. Step Two: Find a particularly interesting product. Step Three: Ask, Have you tried this? Step four: Expect a one-word answer. Step Five: Respond by briefly describing some creative use you might have for it. Step Six: Continue conversation with intrigued new friend. Step Seven: Etc

3) Veggie Tales

This is really a variation on the second bullet point above, but I want to make sure everyone understands how virtually foolproof it is to start a conversation. Hit the produce section. Find someone you want to meet. Ask either: 1) Whats the best way to pick one of these? or 2) Do you have any secrets for cooking these? People love being asked for expert advice. Men love doing so because, well, were men, and women will find it endearing that a guy is interested in cooking. Dont act helpless here guys, just interested.

4) Bean Stalk

This one is my personal favorite, and the true secret of this article. At a grocery store you have a perfect scenario for meeting someone that is built in by design. Everyone goes up one aisle and down the other when they are there on serious business. If you notice someone you would like to meet is doing a weeks worth of shopping like you are, simply (and this is about as simple as it gets) start at the opposite end of the aisle as they are, but work the aisles in the same order. In doing so, you will pass this person every single time you go to the next aisle. Hopefully you get what Im talking about here without me having to draw a diagram, because Im lousy at that. Maybe youll completely ignore the person on the first aisle. On the second aisle, possibly some eye contact and a smile. On the third aisle (exactly), stop and say, Look, I barely know you and you are already stalking me. Another perfectly good option is to ask, So are you going to follow me around all day or are you going to introduce yourself? Be sure to laugh (or at least smile) after you say this so as to make it perfectly clear you are kidding. Either way, playing upon the fact that the other person is already interested in you is almost always effective. From there, make a friend.

5) Timing

I would plan my supermarket ventures in the early evening (after work) or on a Saturday in the late morning to early afternoon time frame. Consider the demographics involved and its easy to understand how the ratios of single people are going to be better then. This isnt to say that its impossible to meet people during the day on Tuesday, but the odds arent quite as good.

If you are a night person, try shopping at 2 am if you have a 24-hour supermarket. You might meet your soulmate. He or she is probably stocking shelves.

Heres a quick note regarding what not to do. Ever notice that you dont seem to get the choice of paper or plastic anymore? Just because all the bags are plastic doesnt mean YOU have to be. One of the major scenarios to avoid is trying to be too, umoverly helpful. Guys please dont chase women around the parking lot offering to load their groceries or even to return their cart for them. You might as well pour the milk you just bought onto some toast and contemplate how that relates to this situation.

That said, starting conversation at the supermarket really is incredibly easy. Once you try it, youll wonder what took you so long. All too often we limit ourselves by thinking that bars, clubs and other designated places are the only appropriate venues for meeting someone. The truth is you are more likely to meet a high quality human being and have a great conversation with him or her when you both are in your natural habitat and free of loud noises and obnoxious distractions (e.g. a hundred other people trying to pick up someone).

An informal poll Ive taken suggests that most single adults would truly enjoy being approached with interest at the grocery store or similar shopping situation. So, how about giving it a try this week?

By all means, send me your success stories.

Copyright 2006 X & Y Communications

Online Dating Tips: Play Safe!

By Samuel Hary

It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Samuel Butler has stated the most thought provoking and intriguing reality of life in as simple words as possible. For people who have been through this delirious phase called Love would be able to recount how fantastical life seems when you actually meet someone that makes your heart skip a beat or two. But beware love is not just about fairy tales and fantasies!

At times when real life romances are fizzing out in no time, online dating and romances have given people a completely new dimension to explore. People suffer from a lot of misconceptions when it comes to this novel concept of Online Dating. There have also been times when virtual romances have turned nightmarish. Fret not, erase your memory, follow these golden safety tips and your online dating experience can blossom into one that you would love to cherish till eternity!

First things first, be very selective when it comes to choosing an online dating site or agency. Very reputed ones take good care of their members by checking past records of its members and by automatically deleting excessive or sensitive information from profiles.

Choosing an appropriate screen name is almost necessity. The name that you choose shouldnt be too boring or too cocky. Who knows, your screen name might attract all the unwanted attention that you might find hard to fend!

Once the initial choice is made, don't give out personal details such as your name, phone number, address or a personal description to people you chat to on the internet. Well, not at least till the person you are chatting with becomes a reliable friend!

If you decide to make a date, never give personal details such as your address or surname.

Life is not lead by rules. Same goes for online dating. Follow and trust your instincts and more often than not you will come out with the right decision.

We would love you to share some of your online dating experiences with us. Shall look forward to getting some feedback from you!

For some of the best online dating sites and agencies, visit

8 Simple Dating Profile Tips

A profile is somewhat personal, and there are really no absolutes on what you should or shouldn't say. However, there are certain things that will increase the odds that other people will notice you and be interested. Here are some quick tips on writing a profile that will get responses.

1. Post a photo

A picture is worth a thousand words. That is why profiles with pictures get far more responses, often 8 - 10 times more than a profile without a photo. You don't have to be the best looking person in the world - most of us aren't. But people will feel more comfortable approaching you if they have some idea of what you look like.

2. Have more than one photo

Generally, more photos are better than one. Show yourself in different environments, doing the things you enjoy. If you like hiking, include a photo of yourself at your favorite hiking trail. Try to avoid photos that show other people, especially people from your past relationships. The photos should be about you.

3. Smile

If you are at a party, you would probably be more inclined to talk to someone who smiles at you. The same is true for online dating. So smile!

4. Be positive

Negativity is a turnoff to most people. A profile is like an ad, so say positive things about yourself while remaining truthful. There are a lot of profiles out there that start with something like "I don't really believe in online dating but I figured I'll try it anyway..." Try to avoid this kind of approach. It makes you sound like you aren't interested in what you are doing.

5. Don't tell your life story

Nobody wants to read a whole novel about your life - at least not when they first meet you online. So keep the profile informative, but try not to get too carried away.

6. Be honest about what you are seeking

Being honest will help you attract a person who wants the same thing. So if you are looking for true love, then say so. On the other hand, if you are just looking for a friend, go ahead and state that as well.

7. Show who you are instead of just describing it

Instead of saying "I have a great sense of humor," why not make a joke in your profile and show it? Saying "I love to travel" is fine, but a better way to say that is to mention that you went to France last year and you are planning a trip to the Grand Canyon next summer.

8. Reread your profile, and check your spelling

Spelling and grammatical errors annoy some people, so why take the chance? It only takes a minute to reread what you wrote and run a spell check.

If Money Matters

By Johanna Docena

True enough, a wedding is the most difficult event to plan and prepare for. And it gets even more challenging if the budget is tight. But don't fret, we have come up with some tips to help you stay on track money-wise.

1. Limit your invites to the most important people in your life. Less guests less expenses.

2. The venue eats up a huge percentage of the budget so be wise and practical when selecting your venue. If possible, have both the ceremony and the reception in one place to minimize your cost.

3. Resist the urge to pick foods that are costly i.e. lobsters, steaks. You can still impress your guests with less expensive food.

4. Keep your invitation simple. If you have the time or extra helping hands, you may even want to consider making the invitation yourself. You can get wedding invitation kits from wedding supply stores or even your local craft store.

5. When decorating the venue, keep the use of flowers to a minimum. They are costly. Use candles (they go a long way when it comes to giving life to a venue), tulles and ribbons as substitutes.

6. While it is nice to be entertained by a live band, recorded music will do just fine.

7. Forget about hiring an emcee. Ask a family member or a friend to emcee instead.

8. Ask yourself if you really want your wedding on a film. Will you spend some time after the wedding to watch it? Or will the video end up in your grandmother's chest in the attic?

9. Opt for a less extravagant cake. Get a 2-tiered cake instead of a 4- or 3-tiered cake. Another option is mini cakes arranged in a layered cake rack.

10. Limit the champagne to the toast. Instead of wine, serve less expensive drinks.

11. Forget about hiring a wedding planner. You can still get the job done with the help of family members and friends.

12. Instead of hiring a limousine, look for alternative means of transport i.e. a friend's Bentley, your fathers Mercedes.

13. Always haggle for a lower price with the vendors. Since they expect some negotiations to happen, they would most often give a quote that is higher than what they are willing to accept.

What Turns Sexy Women Off

By John Alanis

No matter the subject it as always as useful to know what NOT to do, as it is to know what to do. I'm here to tell you, I am uniquely qualified to tell you how NOT to attract desirable sexy women. Why? Because I spent dang near 10 years perfecting that art before I stopped doing what doesn't work, and started doing what DOES work.

So, today, we're going to talk about what NOT to do when it comes to attraction. This will give you a handy guide of things to avoid when interacting with any sexy woman.

First off, don't try to impress her by talking about yourself, how much money you make, the playoff game you won, etc., etc. Believe me, she's heard all that before, by men who are smarter, better looking, and more successful than you or I. Instead, ask her genuine, open-ended questions about herself, and pay close attention to her answers. Shut off the conversation in your own head, and pay attention to her--you'll be amazed at how this creates attraction.

Don't ask her if "you can take her out," or if she "has a boyfriend," or if you can "have her number." You're letting her define the relationship, which sexy women HATE. In addition, questions like these activate subconscious processes that lead to autopilot answers (like NO!). It's the same thing as a salesperson asking you, "Can I help you?" and you saying, "No thanks, just looking." Switch the question to, "What specifically are you looking for?" and you'll get a better answer--same thing when setting up a second meeting with the woman you're talking to. "Let's continue this conversation over coffee sometime," works a heck of a lot better than, "Can I take you out?"

Don't shower her with compliments about her beauty, looks, etc.

She's already heard it, and knows you're trying to "compliment your way into her pants." Treat her like a human being, ask her about her hopes, dreams, and desires from a place of genuine interest, not the ulterior motive of getting your hands on her. Although it sounds obvious, this is actually a very subtle shift in thinking for most men--she'll pick up on the fact that you're NOT lusting after her, when every other guy she's talked to that day is... and start to wonder what's different about you. Give her a "bad time in a good way," teasing her about her looks, what she says, etc.

Attraction is a give and take, it has a rhythm to it. Switch from sincere to teasing, and back again--it's this switching that creates attraction.

Don't ask her, "So where do you want to go?" Take the lead, and suggest several places--"Hey, let's go here... sound good to you?" is much better than the above question. If she doesn't want to go there, then ask her for suggestions. Believe it or not, this was a big breakthrough for me--I always thought sexy women would be offended if I did this, but turns out they really enjoy it.

Don't plan your life around her--live your own. This kills more relationships than probably anything else--women want to be with a strong guy, not a surrogate mommy to a little kid.

Again, a lot of these things are common sense, but as they say, common sense ain't so common. Most of us are socially conditioned to do the things I just mentioned, and we actively have to avoid them. I know I do--even with everything I know, I occasionally find myself slipping back into the above behaviors, and they lead to predictable results--the death of attraction.

Online Auction Tips

Participating in online auctions can be a lot of fun! More often than not, you can find yourself on the good end of a great deal on something that you would have bought elsewhere for a lot more money. Online auction shopping can be great, but there are some things to consider when putting your money up on a bid. In this article, we'll give you some tips when it comes to buying on sites such as eBay.

- When you're bidding on an item, and the shipping and handling fees are not clearly shown on the bid page, it's important to discuss them with the seller before you place any bid. Some sellers offer low prices on items only to charge exorbitant fees when it comes to shipping and handling. Clarifying that you aren't getting ripped off on shipping before you place a bid is of the utmost importance.

- Also, when you find an item you like, it's important to read the seller's feedback on their past auctions. Reading how they do business with other people is the cornerstone of ensuring that you'll have a positive buying experience with the seller.

- If an item really strikes your eye, but it's at a high price, try checking out the seller's other auctions. Sometimes sellers offer the same item many times in a row, and you may be able to get a better deal on the same item if you wait around for another auction from the same seller.

- One way that people have been able to successfully score great deals on auction sites is to bid-snipe'. To do a bid-snipe, you just need to look for auctions that are ending in the very near future. If there's an item with 5 minutes left on it that is selling for a low price, by all means, you should bid just slightly higher than the high bid to secure the item for a steal.

- Ensure that the item is in proper condition before buying. If the seller offers a vague description of a used item, it's important to make sure that the item meets your expectations before placing a bid. If you're not cautious, you may end up spending cash on an item that's in poor or non-working condition.

Follow the above tips, and you'll find yourself getting better and better deals on auction sites. What's most important is to know exactly what you're paying for, and how much you'll be paying when all is said and done.

Golf Essentials

By James Anderson

Without question, golf clubs are the most essential pieces of golf equipment. They are your keys to greatness and your weapons of battle. Without the proper set of clubs, you might as well be playing croquet, because you're not going to make a game winning long drive, or a precision putt.

From rookie to pro, the right clubs are undisputed golf essentials. According to the official rules of golf, a player can have no more than 14 clubs in his or her bag. One of those clubs is your putter, leaving you with 13 tools that will make or break your game.

To properly arm yourself with the golf essentials, it's important to be honest with yourself about your skill level, the quality of your swing, and exactly what kind of player you are. This will help in making your choice of woods and irons to match your game, and it can save you a bundle of money. If you fess up to the fact that you are indeed a beginner golfer, you can save hundreds of dollars on an inexpensive starter set of clubs.

To match your skill level with your golf equipment, you need to know your handicap. There are low-handicap, mid-handicap, and high-handicap golfers. The term 'handicap' measures how well you will compare with an average golfer in shooting an 18-hole golf course. Golf experts classify low-level golfers as those who will shoot an average of 82 or less on a typical course. This equals 9 or fewer strokes over par, or a single digit handicap. If you have been designated a low level handicap, you'll want to pack your bag with high performance golf essentials. Choose the best clubs and maximize your abilities.

Golf essentials include clubs to get you through, or around, any situation. Be sure to pack a driver and at least one other wood, such as the 3-wood. Low irons, such as the 3- or 4-iron, are also necessary. Low-level handicap players can make more accurate shots, and these essential clubs can help you hit the green from 200 or more yards. Your pitching wedge and high trajectory irons, like the 8 and 9, will benefit your mid-range approach shots.

Anyone can hit a ball with any golf club, but the right clubs for you are definite golf essentials. Choose your weapons wisely, and be sure to bring the right ones along. Oh, don't forget your sand wedge. Life's a beach after all, and you could find yourself right in the middle of it.

6 Gifts You Should Never Give Your Girlfriend

By Janette Vince

October 22, 2006

Its your girlfriends birthday or your first Christmas together, and you want to get her the best gift shes ever had. Gifts mean a lot to women. The right gift tells her youre thoughtful, observant, and you really understand her. The wrong one, however, can tell her just the opposite. Dont get stuck in her Bad Boyfriends Book of Records. Heres a list of the six worst gifts to give your girlfriend.

Exercise equipment. Nothing says, I think you could stand to lose weight like a Stairmaster. The same goes for a set of barbells, a Pilates instructional video, or a gym membership. Even if shes talked about getting fit, this kind of gift will make her wonder whether you like her body the way it is.

If you really would like to see her exercising more, lead by example. Join the gym yourself. Chances are, when she sees how great you look and feel, shell be inspired to join as well. You could also take up a physical activity you could do as a couple, such as cycling, jogging, or hiking. To increase the chances shell get into it, pick an activity shes expressed interest in before. It should also be one you can do relatively easily. Dont decide to take up sea kayaking if youre two hours drive from the ocean, for example, and dont pick one that you need a lot of expensive equipment to get started in.

Cookware. The subliminal message here is Get in the kitchen and make me some supper, woman! This is a bad gift even if shes expressed interest in cookingor if youd like her to. If you have a master chef for a girlfriend, its especially important to pass on this kind of gift. Its likely she has everything she needs already, and most high-level cooks are picky about their equipment.

If you really would like to encourage her to cook more, start with some positive reinforcement. Praise the meals she does cook. If you tell her you see her as a great cook already, shes more likely to take more of an interest in the culinary arts.

A vacuum cleaner. The same goes for feather dusters, mops, bottles of Pine-Sol, oven cleaner, Lemon-Scented Joy, and any other household cleaning products. These gifts tell her that you see her as more of a maid than a girlfriend.

A puppy. Animal gifts are tricky. Sure, puppies and kittens are adorablebut theyre also a lot of work. Food and vet bills can be expensive, and many pets require a change in lifestyle to take proper care of. For these reasons, its best not to surprise your girlfriend with a new pet.

Part of the fun is choosing the pet yourself. If your girlfriend has told you she wants a dog or cat, offer to take her to the local animal rescue shelter instead and pay for the pet she picks.

Something you want for yourself. You know youve been tempted to buy her that subscription to Fly Fishing magazine, new set of golf clubs, or Playstation II. Dont do it! Shell see through it instantly.

Jewellery. Jewellery has a great deal more meaning for most women than other gifts. If you give the right one, shell see it as a sign that youre the right guy for her. If you get it wrong, however, at best shell laugh about it with her friends for ages. At worst, she could see it as grounds for doubt about the relationship. If youre going to give her jewellery, youd better get it right the first time.

What makes giving jewellery so difficult is that every woman has distinct tastes. The jewellery you pick could be too chunky, too eccentric, too classic, too delicate, too cheap-looking or expensive-looking for her. Some women never wear gold, some never wear silver, and most women have a preference for certain precious stones over others. If you really do want to give her jewellery, casually take her into a few stores. See how she reacts to the merchandise. Make note of any pieces she especially likes. Then go back later to buy them.

Most women dont want practical gifts from their boyfriends. They want gifts that send a positive message about how you see them. A sparkling diamond bracelet tells her you see her as precious and beautiful. Elegant lingerie can tell her you see her as sexy and desirable. A book about something she finds fascinating tells her you take her interests seriously. However, its important to take her unique tastes into account before buying her any present. If you do, and if you follow our tips, you should be able to find her the perfect gift.